Target Audience
Sexuality: The event could be for any sexuality.
Ethnicity: Any background. whoever is intrigued in this type of work.
Lifestyle: People that have interests with exhibitions, photography, cinematic photography, films etc. people who can give opinions, have a positive attitude towards the work.
Coping strategies: They could have trouble coping with situations, so by coming to the exhibition event they would have a strategy by relaxing. This would take there mind of things that they aren't coping with very well.
Culture: anyone who doesn't take the theme cinematic out of context. So doesn't see a problem with the actions taking place within the images.
Health literacy: An individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process and understand the work being presented to them.
Location: Its an exhibition in a gallery. However, its being done online so the majority of the audience will be able to attend the event.
Cinematic Photography
Preferences: I want the audience to have a preference as this helps me to understand why they like that better rather than the other.
Disability: People that have vision impairment- depending on how severe it is. Could slightly see the images or not at all. People with learning difficulties could struggle with understanding the meaning of the images. However, could enjoy observing the work.
Communication needs: Allowing people to discuss the work while them that struggle with communicating can listen and visually communicate.
Age range: 18-45 year olds. They'll be interested in the theme cinematic: as most people enjoy films. Some of the audience might just enjoy the images and not understand the meaning behind the work. As its an exhibition online as well: this age range will understand the process of how to use a device. So that they can attend the event.
Gender: Male and Female.